List of the prepare for MAPC Project viva ...few question 1. What is your project topic? 2. Why have you chosen this as topic? 3
List of the prepare for MAPC Project viva …few question
1. What is your project topic?
2. Why have you chosen this as topic?
3. Which TEST have u used?.
4. Why this TEST only? Are there any other /more TEST available like this?
5. What is the difference between independent variables and dependent variable in your research?
6. To whom ( in literature) have you referred more for your report?
7. What are the further areas of studies of your report ( research)
8. Where else can your TEST apply?
9. Explain the procedure what you did from data collection to your conclusion.
10. Which are the controlled variables?
11. Operational definitions in your research to be learn.
12 .Mention about the factors u included and excluded in studies to avoid bias
13. Mode of sampling
14. Discuss results,aim, hypothesis.
15. Why have you chosen this relations/ test not other. What is the formula used.