Category: Notes
Ethics in the Field of Experimental Psychology
This document will help you in understanding the topic Ethics in the Field of Experimental Psychology
Confidentiality- A safeguarding of the privac ...
Childhood Physical Development
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Childhood Physical Development
Fine motor development- development refers to smaller, m ...
Causes and determinants of Prosocial Behavior
This topic will help you in understanding the concept of Causes and determinants of Prosocial Behavior
Altruism: The desire to help another person ...
Group Dynamics – Obedience Studies
This document will you in understanding the concept of Group Dynamics – Obedience Studies
Obedience: A major type of social influence in which one ...
Types of Leaders
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Types of Leaders
Autocratic leader: A leader, who tends to centralize authority, dictat ...
Stages of Human Development
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Stages of Human Development
Causes and determinants of Prosocial Behavior
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Causes and determinants of Prosocial Behavior
Collectivism: A situation where helping b ...
Principles of Lifespan Development
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Principles of Lifespan Development
Continuous: The idea that developmental change can b ...
Prosocial Behaviour
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Prosocial Behaviour
Altruism: The principle or practice of unselfish concern for or dev ...
Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development
This document will help you in understanding the concept Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development