Free Course – Introduction to Research

ABOUT THE COURSE Large numbers of students are actively considering and taking up research and associated higher studies. This course aims to


Large numbers of students are actively considering and taking up research and associated higher studies. This course aims to introduce students to the important aspects of research. The intent of the course is to make students aware of the details associated with formal research and to help students overcome common misconceptions that may be present in their minds. By going through this course, students are likely to be able to take up research activities in a more systematic and formal manner right from the beginning.
Important For Certification/Credit Transfer: Weekly Assignments and Discussion Forum can be accessed ONLY by enrolling here

Note: Content is Free! All content including discussion forum and assignments, is free

Final Exam (in-person, invigilated, currently conducted in India) is mandatory for Certification and has INR Rs. 1100 as exam fee.

INTENDED AUDIENCE – Students of ME/MTech/MS/MSc/PhD can benefit.

PRE-REQUISITES – Students who have completed undergraduate studies (in Engineering or Science) will be in a better position to benefit from this course


Prathap Haridoss                            M.S.Ananth                                  Abhijit P. Deshpande
Dept. of Metallurgical and             Dept. of Chemical Engg.          Dept. of Chemical Engg.
Materials Engg.                                IIT Bombay                                  IIT Madras
IIT Madras

Arun K. Tangirala                    Balaji C                                           G.Phanikumar
Dept. of Chemical Engg.       Dept. of Mechanical Engg.          Dept. of Metallurgical Engg.

IIT Madras                                IIT Madras                                    IIT Madras


Week 1: A group discussion on what is research; Overview of research;
Week 2: 
Literature survey , Experimental skills;
Week 3: Data analysis, Modelling skills;
Week 4: Technical writing; Technical Presentations; Creativity in Research
Week 5: Creativity in Research; Ethics in Research
Week 6: Design of Experiments
Week 7: Intellectual Property
Week 8: Department specific research discussions

  • The exam is optional for a fee.
  • Date and Time of Exam: October 7, 2018 (Sunday)
  • Time of Exams: Morning session 9am to 12 noon; Afternoon session: 2pm to 5pm.
  • Exam for this Course will be available in both morning & afternoon sessions.
  • Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
  • The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published.
  • Final score will be calculated as : 25% assignment score + 75% final exam score
  • 25% assignment score is calculated as 25% of average of 8 weeks course: Best 6 out of 8 assignments
  • E-Certificate will be given to those who register and write the exam and score greater than or equal to 40% final score. Certificate will have your name, photograph and the score in the final exam with the breakup. It will have the logos of NPTEL and IIT Madras. It will be e-verifiable
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