IGNOU eBook – MPC-002 Lifespan Psychology

Block-1 Prenatal, Infancy and Early Childhood Unit-1 Concept of Development, Growth and Development, Life Span Perspective, Methods of Studying Dev

Block-1 Prenatal, Infancy and Early Childhood

Unit-1 Concept of Development, Growth and Development, Life Span Perspective, Methods of Studying Development and Characteristics of Development

Unit-2 Prenatal Development (Genetics, Environment Influence and Hazards of Development)

Unit-3 Development During Infancy (Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic)

Unit-4 Early Childhood (Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic)

Block-2 Development during Early School Years (6-11 Years)

Unit-1 Physical Development

Unit-2 Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Moral Development

Unit-3 Schooling and Development

Unit-4 Identification of Problems in School Children and Remedial Measures

Block-3 Development during Adolescence

Unit-1 Physical Changes

Unit-2 Cognitive Changes

Unit-3 Identity, Self-Concept, Self Esteem, Peer Group Relationship

Unit-4 Challenges and Issues in Adolescent Development

Block-4 Adulthood and Ageing

Unit-1 Physical Changes (Early Adulthood, Middle Age, Old Age)

Unit-2 Cognitive Changes (Early Adulthood, Middle Age, Old Age)

Unit-3 Psychosocial Changes (Early Adulthood, Middle Age, Old Age)

Unit-4 Challenges and Issues in Ageing Process

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