MPC002 Assignment Motivator 17-18

Assignment Motivator for 1st Year June 17 and Jan 18 Batch of IGNOU MAPC students for MPC-002 Lifespan Psychology Subject SECTION-A Answer t

Assignment Motivator for 1st Year June 17 and Jan 18 Batch of IGNOU MAPC students for MPC-002 Lifespan Psychology Subject


Answer the following questions in about 1000 words each. 3 x 15=45 Marks

1. Discuss psychosocial changes and linguistic development during infancy.
2. Elucidate the social changes during school years.
3. Examine Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s theories of moral development.


Answer the following questions in about 400 words. 5 x 5= 25 Marks

4. Discuss the various cognitive changes during early adulthood period.
5. Explain the ‘family life cycle’ during adulthood.
6. What is self-concept? Discuss the various signs of negative self-concept.
7. Discuss the various components of value education.
8. Explain Piaget’s theory on cognitive development.


Answer the following questions in about 50 words. 10 x 3= 30 Marks

9. Crystalized intelligence
10. Midlife crisis
11. Triangular theory of love
12. Social convoy
13. Growth spurt
14. Egocentrism
15. Exceptional children
16. Remedial programmes for learning disability
17. Role of a teacher for gifted and talented children
18. Ethical aspects in the study of life span development


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