Tag: Assignments

Which Assignment?
Which assignment I should write??
Probably this question arises for most of us, but the answer to this question is very simple. Selection of Assign ...

How Total Marks are Calculated?
The evaluation consists of two parts:
1) continuous evaluation through assignment,and
2) Term End Examination.
In the final result all the as ...

Exam Marks Weightage
In MAPC IGNOU all 1st and 2nd Year term end examination carries 70% weightage in final evaluation.
Please see the illustration/Infographic for more ...

Assignment Marks Weightage
In MAPC IGNOU all 1st and 2nd Year assignments carries 30% weightage in final evaluation.
Please see the illustration/Infographic for more clarity ...

Evaluation and Weightage
The evaluation of MAPC IGNOU consists of two parts:
1) continuous evaluation through assignment,and
2) Term End Examination
In the final resu ...
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