Tag: MPC006
Statistics in Psychology – Solved Question Papers
MAPC Solution Series - Statistics Psychology is basically an eBOOK which carries the solved question papers of MAPC IGNOU from Dec 17 and June 18.
Measures of Central Tendency
These documents will help you in understanding the Measures of Central Tendency
Hypothesis Testing
These documents will help you in understanding the concept of Hypothesis Testing
Nature of Data – Levels of Measurement and Types
This document will help you in understanding the concept of Nature of Data - Levels of Measurement and Types
This document will help you in understanding the concept of "t-test"
t-test- A statistical test of significance used to compare two means
Type I e ...
FAQs Chi-Square Test
This document will help you in understanding Chi-Square Test in easy and simple language
Chi-Square – Non parametric statistical tests that compare ...
Levels of Measurement
This document will help you in understanding the concept of "Levels of Measurement"
This document will help you in understanding the concept of "One way ANOVA"
ANOVA- Analysis of variance
Between group variance – the variance of ...
Glossary Normal Distribution
This document will help you in understand the terms related to "Normal Distribution"
Glossary Correlation
This document contains the all important Glossary on the topic "Correlation"